Free The Yazz

"Does fame in this game have to change who you are? "

Sonntag, 28. September 2008

Tina Fey you are clearly my heroin(e).

This is one of my random posts in English. And it's obviously about my heroine Mrs. Tina Fey. My good lord she is fuckin killin' me with her jokes on 30 Rock (my favorite comedy series ever), SNL (she was the head writer and is a former member, who occasionally comes back for hilarious skits with comedian Amy Poehler, who is hiiiilarious too).
Did you watch Mean Girls? With Lezbo Lohan? No? You're kiddin' right... (You gotta love Rachel McAdams by the way, but that's a whole other story!) Tina Fey wrote the screenplay and played the role of the math teacher, entertaining movie.

I write this because, in case you didn't heard about the skit Tina and Amy did on the season premiere of SNL, you're living on the mars. Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. Damn. It always makes me chuckle every time i watch it.

3 Emmys for 30 Rock. Yesss.
